It is advised by eye doctors to go for an eye exam annually irrespective of whether you wear glasses or not. The reason being many eye diseases do not show any early symptoms of occurrence but later leads to a significant amount of vision loss.

So, if you are looking for an eye doctor in Lake Ridge VA, you are at the right place. The reason being there are many top eye clinics located in Lake Ridge, VA.

Eye doctors or eye specialist generally fall under three categories according to the specialization, the level of education and years of experience they hold. But each category of eye specialist has their own importance in their own arena.

Different types of eye doctors:

  • Ophthalmologist: These M.D. specialize in eye surgery and deal with other critical kind of eye related diseases. They even conduct rare pathology treatment. These specialists undergo years of education and training similar to any other surgeon. The Ophthalmologists are highly qualified and are members of professional college of ophthalmology.
  • Optometrist: The optometrists complete a four year graduation program in optometry including job training. Optometrists deal with treating diseases medically, prescribing spectacles or glasses. They also specialize in performing vision therapy.
  • Optician: Opticians deal with measuring and fitting frames and providing knowledge about quality control of glasses prescribed by the optometrist or ophthalmologist. They play a vital role in eye health care industry. The reason being if the opticians do not provide top quality services the patients will hardy return to the same eye clinic or eye doctor.

Different types of Eye Exam:

  • Cover Test: This test involves covering the patient’s eyes alternately and asking the patient to focus on distant objects. The optometrist can identify the eye turn by looking at the eyes movement trying to focus at distant objects.
  • Slit Lamp Test: The slit lamp test is conducted with the help of a bio microscope. The optometrist uses the instrument to get a deep look into the patient’s eyelids, cornea, iris, conjunctiva, and other internal structures. The test helps in detecting cataracts and macular degeneration.
  • Color vision testing: The test involves looking at colored numbers formed out of dots placed against a background of different color. For the people with normal vision the dots will appear as it is, while the ones with color vision problem the number may appear different.
  • Glaucoma: It is a disease resulting from “elevated pressure in the eye”. It does not show any early symptoms but could lead to vision loss drastically. Glaucoma can be detected through six different tests. One of them being Ophthalmoscopy. In Ophthalmoscopy the pupil is dilated and then a magnifying lens is used by the doctor to evaluate the color, shape and health of the optic nerve.
  • Dilation: In the process of dilation the eye doctors will dilate the eyes using a fluid. It helps the optometrist to examine the back portion of the eye, which is a home to retina and optic nerve. Dilating the eyeshelps the pupil to remain open in bright light, while enabling the doctors to examine the eyes using a wide variety of instruments.


Going for an eye exam is not only beneficial for maintaining a good eye health. But it helps in knowing the other diseases prevalent in the body. Diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol level and sometimes even cancer can be diagnosed with the help of an eye exam.

Also Read: What to Look for in a Good Eye Doctor and How to Find One